Discover the Dental Prosthesis market in Europe

by Charles HADDAD
The dental prosthesis market in France, like everywhere else, is a dynamic and evolving sector.
Here is the main information about this market:

1. **Market Structure and Key Players**: The dental prosthesis market in France is mainly made up of three types of players: laboratories manufacturing prostheses and dental implants, dental prosthetists working in these laboratories, and dentists who are in direct contact with patients.

France has nearly 3,500 prosthetics laboratories, including around a hundred overseas, employing around 18,000 laboratory technicians.

These laboratories are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with a greater concentration of production among larger companies.

Indeed, those with 20 or more employees generate nearly two-thirds of the sector's turnover, although they represent less than 15% of the total number of companies in the sector【10†source】【16†source】.

2. **Trends and Technological Developments**: The competitive intensity in the market is increasing, and laboratories have evolved considerably in recent years, particularly with the democratization of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM).

Groupings of laboratories have multiplied, aiming to pool resources.

Furthermore, regulation has played a key role in the evolution of the market, in particular with the introduction of the zero-charge balance on dental prostheses, which has modified market dynamics【16†source】.

3. **Market Size and Growth**: Globally, the denture market size is estimated at USD 8.37 billion for 2023 and is expected to reach USD 11.78 billion by 2028, with a rate of compound annual growth (CAGR) of 7.07% over this period.

This growth is attributed to various factors, such as the aging population and the increased prevalence of dental diseases.

Asia Pacific is identified as the fastest growing market, while North America holds the largest market share【24†source】【25†source】.

This information provides a comprehensive and current overview of the dental prosthetics market in France and globally, highlighting key players, technology trends and market size.

These elements are essential for any company operating in this sector, including for the sale of dental prostheses to dentists in France.