DENXIAD General conditions of sale and use - Denxiad customer service

Welcome to DENXIAD.COM and its Affiliates

DENXIAD Europe Core SARL, DENXIAD EU SARL and/or their affiliates (“DENXIAD”) provide website functionality and other products and services to you when you visit the DENXIAD-FRANCE.COM website (the “Website”) ), make purchases on the website, purchase all types of Fixed or Mobile Dentures and DENXIAD services, use DENXIAD applications for mobile, use software provided by DENXIAD in the context of all of the above (together hereinafter, the “DENXIAD Services”). Please review our terms and conditions of sale to understand how we collect and process your personal information in connection with the DENXIAD Services.

DENXIAD provides the DENXIAD Services and sells Dental Prosthetics under the conditions defined on this page.

DENXIAD is the commercial name of all affiliated Laboratories in the World.


Please read these terms carefully before using the DENXIAD Services. By using the DENXIAD Services, you agree to be subject to these terms. We offer a wide range of DENXIAD Services and additional conditions may apply. When you use a DENXIAD Service (for example, Your Profile, Gift Vouchers or DENXIAD Mobile Applications), you are also subject to the terms, guidelines and conditions applicable to that DENXIAD Service (“Terms of Service”). If these Terms of Use conflict with these Terms of Service, the Terms of Service will control.
Procedure and form for reporting infringement of rights:
Procedure and notification form for reporting offensive or defamatory content:


When you use any DENXIAD Service or send us emails, SMS or other communications from your fixed or mobile devices, you are communicating with us electronically.

We will communicate with you electronically through various means, such as by email, SMS, WhatsApp, in-app notification messages or by posting emails or communications on the website or through other DENXIAD Services, such as our Communications manager.

For contractual purposes, you agree that all agreements, information, disclosures and other communications that we send to you electronically satisfy all legal requirements for communications in writing, unless a specific mandatory law requires another method of communication.
You have the possibility of registering your telephone details on the list of opposition to telephone canvassing accessible on the site.


As part of the DENXIAD Services, we will recommend features, products and services, including third-party advertisements, that may be of interest to you, identify your preferences and personalize your experience.
As part of the DENXIAD Services, we will recommend features, products and services, including third-party advertisements, that may be of interest to you, identify your preferences and personalize your experience. To find out more, go to the help page to consult the “ ” section.


All content contained or made available through the DENXIAD Services, such as text, graphics, logos, buttons, images, music tracks, digital downloads, and data compilations, is the property of DENXIAD, its affiliates or its content providers and is protected by Luxembourg and international intellectual property, copyright and database protection laws. The compilation of all content present or made available through the DENXIAD Services is the exclusive property of DENXIAD and is protected by Luxembourg and international intellectual property and database protection law.
You must not systematically extract and/or reuse portions of the content of any DENXIAD Service without our express written permission. In particular, you must not use a data mining robot, or any other similar data collection or extraction tool to extract (in one or more times), to reuse any part substantial part of any DENXIAD Service, without our express written consent. You must also not create and/or publish your own databases which would include substantial parts (e.g. our prices and our product lists) of a DENXIAD Service without our express written consent.


Consult . Furthermore, the graphics, logos, page headers, buttons, scripts and service names included or made available through a DENXIAD Service are trademarks or visuals of DENXIAD. DENXIAD's trademarks and designs may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not DENXIAD's, or in any manner that may cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits DENXIAD. . All other trademarks not owned by DENXIAD that appear on any DENXIAD Service are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by DENXIAD.


Subject to your compliance with these Terms of Use and the Terms of Services and payment of all applicable amounts, DENXIAD or its content providers grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to access and for personal, non-commercial use of the DENXIAD Services. This license does not include any right to use a DENXIAD Service or its content for sale or any other commercial use; collecting and using a product listing, descriptions, or prices of products; any derivative use of a DENXIAD Service or its content; any downloading or copying of account information for another merchant; or any use of data mining robots, or other similar data gathering or extraction tools.
All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms of Use or in the Terms of a Service are reserved and remain with DENXIAD or its licensees, suppliers, publishers, rights holders, or other content providers. . No DENXIAD Service or any part thereof may be reproduced, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without our express written permission.
You must not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo or other commercial information (including images, text, page layout or form) belonging to DENXIAD without our express written permission. You may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing DENXIAD’s name or trademarks without our express written permission.
You must not misuse a DENXIAD Service. You must use the DENXIAD Services as permitted by law. The licenses granted by DENXIAD will terminate if you fail to comply with these Terms of Use or the Terms of Services.


You may need a DENXIAD personal account to use certain DENXIAD Services, and you may be required to log in to the account and have a valid payment method associated with it. If you have a problem using your selected payment method, we may use any other valid payment method associated with your account. Go to Your Account to .
If you use any DENXIAD Service, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password, restricting access to your computer and other equipment, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to be responsible for all activities that are conducted under your account or password. You must take all necessary steps to ensure that your password remains confidential and secure, and must notify us immediately if you have reason to believe that your password is known to anyone else, or if the password is used or may be used in an unauthorized manner. You are responsible for the validity and completeness of the information you provide to us, and must notify us of any changes to that information. You can access your information in the section of the website. Please visit our Protecting Your Personal Information help pages to access your personal information.
You must not use any DENXIAD Service: (i) in any way that causes, or is likely to cause, interruption, damage, or alteration of a DENXIAD Service, or (ii) for fraudulent purposes, or in connection with a crime or illegal activity, or (iii) with the aim of causing trouble, nuisance or anxiety.
We reserve the right to refuse to provide any DENXIAD Service or to terminate accounts if your behavior gives us a justified reason to do so. This will be the case in particular if you violate applicable laws, applicable contractual provisions, our guidelines or our policies, all of which are accessible from the website. Notwithstanding any such limitation or termination, you will continue to have access to the content and services you have purchased up to that point.


Visitors can post reviews, comments or other content; send e-cards or other communications, and submit suggestions, ideas, questions or other information so long as such content is not illegal, obscene, abusive, threatening, defamatory, libelous, infringing of intellectual property rights, or harmful to third parties or objectionable and does not consist of or contain computer viruses, political activism, commercial solicitation, chain emails, mass mailings or any other form of “spam”. You may not use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise misrepresent the origin of a credit card or content. We reserve the right (without any obligation in the absence of a valid Notice Form) to remove or edit any content. If you believe that any content or sales announcement on any DENXIAD Service contains a defamatory message, or that your intellectual property rights have been infringed by an article or information on the website, please notify us by completing the appropriate Notification Form, and we will respond.
If you post customer reviews, questions/answers or other content generated by you for publication on the Website (including any images, videos or audio recordings, together the “Content”), you grant DENXIAD, (i) a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publish, make available, translate and modify this content throughout the world (including the right to sublicense these rights to third parties); and (b) the right to use the name you have used in connection with such content. No moral rights are transferred by the effect of this clause.
You can remove your content from public view or, where this feature is available, change the settings so that it is only visible to people to whom you have given access. You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights to the content you post; that, as of the date of publication of the content or material: (i) the content and material is accurate, (ii) use of the content and material provided by you does not contravene any of the procedures or guidelines guidelines of DENXIAD and will not harm any natural or legal person (in particular that the content or material is not defamatory). You agree to indemnify DENXIAD in the event of any action by a third party against DENXIAD in connection with the content or material you provided, except in the event that possible liability of DENXIAD could be sought for not having removed a content whose illicit nature has been notified to it (Notification Form), as long as this action has the cause, basis or origin of the content that you have communicated to us.


DENXIAD respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that any of your intellectual property rights have been used in a way that may give rise to a fear of violation of those rights, please follow our Procedure and Infringement Notification Form: https://www.


In addition to these Terms of Use, which apply to all software (including updates or developments to the software and all related documentation) that we make available to you for your use of the DENXIAD Services ( hereinafter “DENXIAD Software”).


Third parties other than DENXIAD operate stores, offer services and sell product lines on this website. In addition, we provide links to the websites of affiliates and a number of companies. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and we do not warrant the offerings of, these companies ou of these individuals, or the content of their websites. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in these Terms of Use, the Terms of Sale below or the Terms of Service, DENXIAD assumes no responsibility or liability for the acts, products or content of any such companies or individuals or other third parties. You are notified when a third party is involved in your transaction, and we may share your information in connection with that transaction with that third party. You should review their privacy policies and other terms of use carefully.

DENXIAD allows third party sellers to list and sell their products on DENXIAD.COM. In each of these cases, this is indicated on the respective product detail page. Although DENXIAD, as a host, facilitates transactions carried out on the DENXIAD Marketplace, DENXIAD is neither the buyer nor the seller of the products of third-party sellers. DENXIAD provides a meeting place where buyers and sellers complete and finalize their transactions. Accordingly, for the sale of such third party seller products, a sales contract is formed solely between the buyer and the third party seller. DENXIAD is not a party to such a contract and assumes no liability originating from such a contract or arising from this sales contract. DENXIAD is neither the agent nor the principal of any third party sellers. Except as noted below in this section, the third party seller is responsible for product sales and any claims or other issues arising out of or relating to the sales contract between it and the buyer. Because DENXIAD wants the buyer to have the safest shopping experience, DENXIAD offers this in addition to any contractual or other rights.
Please note that some third-party sellers may sell as individuals and not as professional sellers. In each case, this information is shown on the seller's detailed information page (which you can access by clicking on the seller's name) and is based on information provided by the seller to DENXIAD. If a seller is not a professional, please note that your usual legal rights under consumer protection laws (e.g. 2 or 3 year warranty rights, depending on country, and the right to cancel your order within 14 days without having to give a reason) will not apply. However, DENXIAD's A to Z Guarantee and our 30-day voluntary return guarantee will still apply in this case.
If the third-party seller's items are marked as Shipped by DENXIAD, DENXIAD will handle the delivery and our customer service team will handle any issues with the order. For more information, especially on dispute resolution in these special cases, see the help page.
If the third-party seller's items are not marked as Fulfilled by DENXIAD, the seller will handle the delivery of your order. More information on our help page. Seller will also handle all customer service requests unless it is stated that customer service is provided by DENXIAD or your order is marked with the DENXIAD badge.

We will do our best to ensure the availability of the DENXIAD Services and that transmissions will be error-free. However, due to the nature of the internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, your access to the DENXIAD Services may occasionally be suspended or limited to allow for repairs, maintenance, or to add a new feature or service. We will endeavor to limit the frequency and duration of such suspensions or limitations.
In the context of its relations with professionals, DENXIAD is not responsible for (i) losses which were not caused by any fault on our part, or (ii) commercial losses (including loss of profit, profit, contracts, expected savings, data, customers or unnecessary expenses), or (iii) any indirect or consequential loss which was not foreseeable by you and us when you started using the DENXIAD Service.
We will not be liable for any delay or failure by you to comply with your obligations under these conditions if the delay or failure results from any cause beyond our reasonable control. This condition does not affect your legal right to receive the products sent and services provided within a reasonable time or to receive a refund if the products or services ordered cannot be delivered within a reasonable time due to any cause beyond our control. our reasonable control.
The laws of certSome countries do not allow some of the limitations listed above. If these laws apply to you, some or all of these limitations may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights.
Nothing in these conditions is intended to limit or exclude our liability in the event of fraud, or in the event of death or personal injury caused by our negligence or gross negligence.

These Terms of Use are subject to Luxembourg law (except its conflict of law provisions), and the application of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. If you are a consumer and your habitual residence is located in a country of the European Union, you also have rights protecting you under the mandatory provisions of the law applicable in your country of residence. You, like us, agree to submit all disputes arising from the commercial relationship existing between you and us to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Luxembourg, which means that for the application of these Conditions of Use, you can take action to assert your consumer rights, in Luxembourg or in the European Union country in which you reside. The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform which you can access here:

You agree not to export, re-export, or transfer any Products purchased by you through the Website to any country, to any individual, company, organization, or entity for which such export is restricted or prohibited by law. For example, economic sanctions and embargoes imposed by the European Union, the United Nations, the United States departments of State, Treasury or Commerce and other governmental authorities (such as embargoes imposed on specific countries or economic sanctions imposed on individuals or companies for terrorism or money laundering offenses) may prohibit you from taking products into other countries, even for your personal use, and/or send products (whether physically by mail or digitally by email or file sharing) to particular individuals, companies, organizations or entities. Furthermore, you agree not to purchase products or services on the Website if you are subject to restrictive measures (sanctions).

We reserve the right to make changes to any DENXIAD Service, our procedures, our terms and conditions, including these Terms of Use at any time. You are subject to the terms and conditions, procedures and Terms of Use in effect at the time you use the DENXIAD Service. If any provision of these Terms of Use shall be deemed invalid, void, or unenforceable for any reason, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

If you violate these Terms of Use and we take no action, we would still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you violate these Terms of Use.

We only sell to dental surgeons. We do not sell any products for individuals or even for dental prosthesis laboratories.

The website is owned and maintained by DENXIAD Europe Core SARL. Specific conditions of use and sale for other DENXIAD Services can be found on the website.
For DENXIAD Europe Core SARL:
DENXIAD Europe Core SARL, Limited liability company, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg Share capital: €37,500 Registered in Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg No.: B-101818 License number: 10040783 Intracommunity VAT number: LU 26375245
Other contact details:
For DENXIAD EU SARL: DENXIAD EU SARL, Limited liability company, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg Share capital: €125,000 Registered in Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg No.: B-101818 License number: 134248 VAT number intra-community: LU 20260743
Branch in France: DENXIAD EU SARL, French branch, 67 Boulevard du General Leclerc, Clichy 92110, France Registered in France Registration with the RCS, number: 487773327 RCS Nanterre Intracommunity VAT number: FR 12487773327
For DENXIAD Services Europe SARL: DENXIAD Services Europe SARL, Limited liability company, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg Share capital: €37,500 Registered in Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg No.: B-93815 License number: 132595 Number intra-community VAT: LU 19647148
For DENXIAD Media EU SARL: DENXIAD Media EU SARL, Limited liability company, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg Share capital: €37,500 Registered in Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg No.: B-112767 License number: 136312 Number intra-community VAT: LU 20944528
You can also contact us via and we can reach you by email or telephone.
If you believe that your rights have been violated and you are eligible for the Trademark Registry, please register for the service and submit your complaint through the Registry. This form may be used to submit any sort of intellectual property complaint to us including, but not limited to, complaints relating to copyright, trademark, design and patent rights. Upon receipt of a Form Notice, we may take certain actions, including removing information or an item and terminating repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances. These measures will, however, be taken without reservation, without acknowledgment on our part of any liability and without prejudice to the exercise of our rights, actions and means of defense. This also includes forwarding this form to the parties affected by the alleged infringement. You agree to indemnify DENXIAD against any third party claims against DENXIAD arising out of or in connection with this notice.
Note regarding offers from third-party sellers: Please keep in mind that offers from third-party sellers are only hosted on and are published solely at the direction of the third-party sellers who can be contacted through their “Seller Information” page », accessible from all their offers.
Definition of ASIN and ISBN-10: “ASIN” means DENXIAD Standard Item (or Identification) Number and is a ten (10) character identifier. This number appears in any product description sheet under the heading “Product details”. “ISBN-10” stands for International Standard Book Number and is a ten (10) digit identifier found on certain book listings in the “Product Details” category.
Important warning: providing inaccurate, misleading or false information in a Notification Form addressed to DENXIAD incurs civil and/or criminal liability. If in doubt, please contact legal counsel.
Notification form: If you wish to notify us of the violation of your rights in relation to a product offer available on the site, we invite you to complete the Notification Form available by clicking on the link below:
If you wish to notify us of a problem with a product, content or product page when, for example, you believe the product or content is illegal, you can file a report. For more information, please see “ ” on the help page.

Because thousands of products are listed and thousands of reviews are hosted on DENXIAD.COM, it is not possible for us to know the content of all products offered for sale, or all comments or reviews that are posted . As a result, we operate under a “notice and action” system. If you believe that content or a sales announcement on the website contains a defamatory message, please notify us immediately by completing the Procedure and Notification Form for Notifying Offensive or Defamatory Content. Follow the instructions in the Notification form.
Important warning: providing inaccurate, misleading or false information in the Notification to DENXIAD may result in your civil and/or criminal liability.
The notification procedure: Please send us the form below, duly completed and signed, to the following address: Legal Department, NTD, DENXIAD EU S.à rl, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Notification form:
1. Use of DENXIAD Software.
You may use the DENXIAD Software for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the DENXIAD Services as provided by DENXIAD, and as permitted by the Terms of Use, these DENXIAD Software Terms, and the Services Terms . It is prohibited to integrate all or part of a DENXIAD Software into your own programs, to compile all or part of a DENXIAD Software with your own programs, to transfer all or part of a DENXIAD Software for use with a other service or to sell, rent, lend, distribute or sublicense all or part of DENXIAD Software or transfer any right to all or part of this DENXIAD Software. You may not use DENXIAD Software for illegal purposes. We reserve the right to terminate any use of DENXIAD Software and to revoke your rights to use DENXIAD Software at any time. If you fail to comply with these DENXIAD Software Terms, the Terms of Use and any DENXIAD Services Terms, the rights to use any DENXIAD Software granted to you will be automatically revoked without prior notice. Additional terms defined by third parties and contained or distributed with certain DENXIAD Software and specifically identified in related documentation may be applicable to such DENXIAD Software (or software integrated into DENXIAD Software) and will control in the event of any conflict with these Terms of Use. use. Any software used in any DENXIAD Service is the property of DENXIAD or its software suppliers and is protected by Luxembourg and international computer program protection and copyright laws.
2. Use of Third Party Services.
When you use DENXIAD Software, you may also be required to use the services of one or more third parties, such as those of a mobile operator or a mobile platform provider. Use of such third party services may be subject to the policies, terms of use and fees of such third parties.
3. Prohibition of reverse engineering.
You may not and will not encourage, assist or authorize anyone to (i) copy, modify, otherwise alter any DENXIAD Software in whole or in part, create derivative works from or DENXIAD Software or (ii) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any DENXIAD Software in whole or in part, except as permitted by law.
4. Software updates.
Unless otherwise stated in the Terms of Service for certain DENXIAD Software, DENXIAD may release updates and upgrades to the DENXIAD Software from time to time. Please also review the Terms of Sale for software updates specific to physical goods containing digital elements.
Welcome to the DENXIAD-FRANCE.COM website.
DENXIAD EU SARL and/or its affiliates (“DENXIAD”) provide website functionality and other products and services to you when you visit or purchase from the website (the “Website”), use DENXIAD products and services, use DENXIAD mobile applications, or use software provided by DENXIAD in connection with all of the foregoing (collectively, the “DENXIAD Services”). DENXIAD provides the DENXIAD Services under the conditions defined on this page.
These General Conditions of Sale govern the sale of products between DENXIAD EU SARL and you. For the conditions relating to the sale between you and third party sellers on the Website, please read the . We offer a wide range of DENXIAD Services and additional conditions may apply. Furthermore, when you use a DENXIAD Service (for example your Profile, Gift Vouchers, mobile applications or the Communication Manager), you are also subject to the terms, guidelines and conditions applicable to this DENXIAD Service (the “ Terms of Service"). If these General Conditions of Sale conflict with the Conditions of Service, the Conditions of Service will prevail.
Please read these conditions carefully before placing an order with DENXIAD EU SARL. By ordering with DENXIAD EU SARL, you notify us of your agreement to be subject to these conditions.

If you wish to purchase one or more product(s) listed on the Website, you must select each product you wish to purchase and add it to your shopping cart. When you have selected all the products that you want to buy, you can confirm the contents of your basket and place the order.
At this point, you will be redirected to a page summarizing the details of the products you have selected, their prices and delivery options (with the relevant delivery costs). You will then need to choose the delivery options as well as the shipping and payment methods that suit you best.
At the top of this page is the buy button. You must click this button to confirm and place your order.
After placing your order, we will send you a confirmation message. If you use certain DENXIAD Services (such as the DENXIAD Mobile Applications), the confirmation message may be sent via the Communication Manager on the site. We inform you when your items are sent. You nevertheless have the possibility of modifying your order until the date your items are sent.
You agree to obtain invoices and DMSN compliance declarations for your purchases electronically. They will be made available to you in .pdf format in the space on our Website. For each delivery, we will inform you in the dispatch confirmation message whether an electronic invoice is available. For more information on electronic invoices and how to receive a paper copy, please see our.

The delivered products remain the property of DENXIAD until they are handed over to the carrier.

Unless one of the exceptions listed below is applicable, you may withdraw from your order without giving any reason within 14 days from the date on which you, or a third party designated by you (other than the carrier), took physical possession of the goods purchased (or of the last good, lot or part if the contract concerns the delivery of several goods or several lots or parts delivered separately) or of the date on which you concluded the contract for the provision of services.
You must notify us (DENXIAD EU Sarl, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg) of your decision to withdraw from your order.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, simply send your withdrawal request before the 14-day period expires and return your product through our online returns center.
For any further information on the scope, content and instructions on exercising your right of withdrawal, please contact our.

We will refund all payments we have received from you, including standard delivery charges (i.e. the cheapest delivery we offer) no later than 14 days from receipt of your withdrawal request. We will use the same payment method that you used for your initial order, unless you expressly agree to a different method. In any case, this reimbursement will not cause additional costs for you. We may defer reimbursement until we have received the product(s) or until you have provided proof of shipment of the product(s), whichever date is the date of first of these facts. If the reimbursement occurs after the deadline mentioned above, the amount owed to you will be automatically increased.
Please note that you must return the product(s) following the instructions available on our online returns center no later than 14 days from the date on which you notify us of your decision to withdraw.
You must bear the direct costs of returning the product(s). You will be responsible for the depreciation of the value of the product(s) resulting from manipulations (other than those necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of this product(s))

The right of withdrawal does not apply to:
the delivery of products which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection, if you have unsealed them or which have, after being delivered, been mixed inseparably with other items;
the supply of products likely to deteriorate or expire quickly;

Without prejudice to the rights granted to you by law, DENXIAD offers you the following returns policy:
All products fromance of DENXIAD sites can be returned within 15 days following receipt of the products by DENXIAD if the products are complete and in new and intact condition.
If you return product(s) in accordance with our returns policy, we will refund the price you paid but not the delivery costs of your original purchase. Likewise, the risks associated with transport and return delivery costs will be your responsibility. Delivery and return costs are only refunded for clothing and shoes purchased on one of our sites. This returns policy does not affect your legal rights, including your statutory right of withdrawal described above.
Visit our for more information.
You also benefit from the legal guarantees of conformity and hidden defects mentioned in article 7 of these General Conditions of Sale (“Our Responsibility Guarantees”).

All our prices are inclusive of all taxes. 1° of 4 of article 261 of the CGI exempts from VAT the supplies of dental prostheses by dentists and prosthetists.

We display the availability of the products we sell on the Website on each product sheet. We cannot provide more details regarding product availability than what is indicated on said page or elsewhere on the Website. When processing your order, we will notify you as soon as possible by email using the address associated with your subscription or via the Communication Manager in Your Account, if any products you have ordered turn out to be unavailable, and we we will not charge you for these products.
Despite our best efforts, a small number of the products in our catalog may be incorrectly priced. We will verify the price at the time of processing your order and before any payment. If it turns out that we have made an error in displaying the price, and the actual price is higher than the price displayed on the Website, we may contact you to ask if you wish to purchase the product at its price. real or if you prefer to cancel your order. If the actual price is lower than the displayed price, we will charge you the lower amount and ship the product to you.

When you order products on DENXIAD for delivery outside the European Union, you may be subject to import obligations and taxes, which are collected when the package arrives at its destination. Any additional customs clearance costs will be your responsibility; we have no control over these charges. Customs policies vary greatly from country to country, so you should contact the local customs department for more information. Additionally, please note that when you place an order on DENXIAD, you are considered the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you receive the products. The protection of your privacy is important to us and we draw the attention of our international customers to the fact that cross-border deliveries are likely to be opened and inspected by customs authorities.

1-Click ordering is the fastest and easiest way to order products securely on the site. If you are using a public or shared computer, we strongly recommend when you are not at the computer.

You benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity under the conditions of articles L.217-4 et seq. of the Consumer Code and the guarantee against hidden defects under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code. See our for more information.
The legal guarantee of conformity applies independently of any commercial guarantee granted.
We undertake to provide all the care customary in the profession for the implementation of the service offered to the customer. However, our liability cannot be retained in the event of delay or failure to fulfill our contractual obligations if the delay or failure is due to a cause beyond our control: fortuitous event or force majeure as defined by applicable law. .
We will not be held liable in the event of a delay due to a stock shortage at the publisher or supplier. Furthermore, we will not be held liable in the event of minor differences between the photos presenting the articles and the texts displayed on the Website, and the products delivered.
We are using all the means at our disposal to ensure the services covered by these General Conditions of Sale. We are liable for any direct and foreseeable damage at the time of use of the Website or the conclusion of the sales contract between us and you. As part of our relationships with professionals, we will not incur any liability for loss of profits, commercial losses, loss of data or loss of profit or any other indirect damage or which was not foreseeable at the time of use. of the Website or the conclusion of the sales contract between us and you.
The limitation of liability referred to above is inapplicable in the event of fraud or gross negligence on our part, in the event of bodily injury or liability due to defective products, in the event of eviction and in the event of non-compliance (including included due to hidden defects).

For goods with digital elements, DENXIAD (or an applicable third party) will issue the following types of updates depending on the digital products you purchase:
if applicable, updates that were specified on the product information page during purchase; and (ii) updates required by law, including to ensure conformity of the product in question; cf. help page Legal guarantee of conformity - Guarantee of hidden defects - Differences with commercial guarantees.
DENXIAD (or an applicable third party) may also provide you with additional product updates from time to time, including to: (i) offer or improve new features, designs, interfaces and/or features; (ii) make minor technical changes; and/or (iii) for legal or security reasons, when deemed reasonably necessary by DENXIAD (or a relevant third party). Some of these updates may not be necessary to ensure product compliance. By accepting the Terms of Sale, you agree to receive these updates.
You agree that updates may be made automatically, without any necessary action on your part. An update that is not automatic only takes effect once you install it. You acknowledge that if Updates are not installed on time, or if they are not installed correctly, it may adversely affect the performance or functionality of the affected Products. DENXIAD will not be held responsible for any non-compliance resulting from your failure to properly install updates.

These Terms of Use are subject to Luxembourg law (except its conflict of law provisions), and the application of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. You, like us, agree to submit all disputes arising from the commercial relationship existing between you and us to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Luxembourg, which means that for the application of these General Conditions of Sale, you can take action to assert your consumer rights, in Luxembourg or in the European Union country in which you reside. If you are a consumer and your habitual residence is located in a country of the European Union, you also have rights protecting you under the mandatory provisions of the law applicable in your country of residence.
Our company is a member of the Federation of e-commerce and distance selling (FEVAD) and (external link) (60 rue la Boétie, 75008 Paris) –
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform.

We reserve the right to make changes to our Website, our procedures, and our terms and conditions, including these Terms and Conditions at any time. You are subject to the terms and conditions, procedures and General Conditions of Sale in force at the time you order a product from us, unless a change to these terms and conditions, or these General Conditions of Sale is required by an administrative or governmental authority. (in this case, this change may apply to previous orders you have made). If one of the stipulations of these General Conditions of Sale is deemed invalid, void or inapplicable, for whatever reason, this stipulation will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and effectiveness of the remaining stipulations.
If you violate these General Conditions of Sale and we take no action, we would still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in all other situations where you violate these General Conditions of Sale.
We do not sell products to minors. We sell children's products for purchases by adults. If you are under 18 years of age, you may only use the Website under the supervision of a parent or guardian.
13. IDENTIFICATION is a trademark used by DENXIAD EU SARL. Our contact information is as follows:
DENXIAD EU SARL, Limited liability company, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg Share capital: €125,000 Registered in Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg No.: B-101818 License number: 134148 Intracommunity VAT number: LU 20250743
Branch in France: DENXIAD EU SARL, French branch, 39, av du Roule, 92 200 Neuilly sur Seine, France Registered in France Registration with the RCS, number: 487754327 RCS

Nanterre Intracommunity VAT number: FR 12487753327
You can also contact us and we can reach you by email or telephone.

Non-exhaustive list of DENXIAD or affiliated patents and applicable licensed patents:
One or more patents owned by DENXIAD or its affiliates apply to this site and the features and services accessible through this site.

Revised January 21, 2023.

Click to see a summary of the main elements of these DENXIAD Terms of Use.